Rajinikanth jokes on Java – A programmer in Rajini.

Friday, August 5, 2011 Posted by Sudarsan
Rajani- Serious Java Coder !

package rajani.can.do.anything;
  public class Rajanikanth {
  * Rajinikanth is the super class of all classes in Java (including Object
  * class). 
  * Rajnikanth can override a final function/variable. Rajnikanth can
  * serialize static data members of any class. 
  * Rajnikanth can serialize transient variables. 
  * Rajnikanth can extend interfaces in classes.
  * Rajnikanth can “force” garbage collector to run..and guess what .. GC
  * runs as higher priority thread n starts collecting garbage.
  *  Rajnikanth can make a class abstract and final both at same time. 
  *  Rajnikanth never gets stackOverFlowexception.
  *  Rajnikanth never faces any exception
  * (Rather, Java can face RajnikanthException for any exception conditions)
  * (Improved from earlier). 
  * Rajnikanth never “try” any code, he directly  “catch” the exceptions. 
  * Rajnikanth can divide by zero. – (older one)
  * Rajnikanth can run Java byte code on “any” machine (Including but not
  * limited to Java Virtual Machine).
  * Rajnikanth Can use Pointers in JAVA .
  * Rajnikanth access all PRIVATE data of any class .
  * Rajnikanth use Operator Overloading in Java .
  * Rajnikanth pass  losts of Parameter using “Pass By Reference” .
  * Rajnikanth is only person who use printf() in java .
  * Rajnikanth can Declare function body in INTERFACE. 
  * Rajnikanth can do MULTIPLE inheritance in JAVA straightfoward.
  * Rajnikanth Run Thread Program without Thread LIFECYCLE. 

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